This Rosh Hashanah will undoubtedly be different from any Rosh Hashanah we have experienced in the past. Many of us will be on our own, perhaps without the rabbinic or communal guidance that we normally have.
I’m therefore proud to present my new minibook, The Laws of Tekiat Shofar. This short PDF tells you everything you need to know in order to fulfill the mitzvah of shofar this year. Even if you are able to attend a regular synagogue, this will hopefully enhance your appreciation of the holiday by explaining some of the many details involved in shofar blowing.
I’m happy to offer The Laws of Tekiat Shofar free to JCH patreon subscribers; just go to to become a patron. While you’re helping us reach an even larger audience, you also get access to free bonus episodes, extra content, and JCH merch. If you are not a Patreon subscriber, you can purchase The Laws of Tekiat Shofar for just $3. Write to [email protected] and I’ll send you the PDF and the PayPal details.
Thanks to everyone for making the past year the most successful year for Jewish Coffee House since we started. 5781 should be even better!
I wish you a ketiva v’chatima tova, and a year of health, growth, blessings, and nachat.