Politics & Society

Chochmat Nashim
Chochmat Nashim was founded to fight injustice in the Orthodox Jewish world and bring about positive change. Join Rachel Stomel, Anne Gordon, and Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll as they speak from within the community out of love for Judaism, respect for tradition, and the need for justice.

Orthodox Conundrum
The Orthodox Conundrum is a forum in which we look honestly at the Orthodox Jewish community, identifying what works well and what does not, so that, through an honest accounting, we can find solutions that will be successful. We will examine some of the major issues that affect the Orthodox world, without exaggeration, whitewashing, or pretending that they don’t exist. Our hope is that the Orthodox Conundrum will spark wider discussion that will enable Orthodox Judaism to continue moving forward in the areas at which it excels, and to rectify the areas that need improvement.

David Ze'ev in Israel
Hearing from the newsmakers, those in the know, and the regular people who make this country so special.
Politics & Society Archive

Knesset Corner with Rabbi Dov Lipman
Join former member of Knesset Rabbi Dov Lipman and Scott Kahn as they discuss the latest developments in Israeli politics.