During this time when many of us are effectively isolated in our homes, many religious questions arise. What should be done about minyan? Should weddings be delayed? Should yeshivot stay open despite the determination of government authorities? What special tefilot should we say? How can we use this time effectively? How should we explain this situation to our children?
In this episode of the Orthodox Conundrum, Scott speaks with Rav Chayim Soloveichik shlit”a, the rabbi of Ohr Shalom in Ramat Beit Shemesh, who provides his unique insights into these and other questions.
[NOTE: After the release of this podcast, and after additional restrictions were imposed in Israel, Rav Chayim Soloveichik has decided to close the shul until further notice.]
אבינו מלכינו, זכור רחמיך וכבוש כעסך, וכלה דבר, וחרב, ורעב, ושבי, ומשחית, ועון, ומגיפה, ופגע רע, וכל מחלה, וכל תקלה, וכל קטטה, וכל מיני פורענויות, וכל גזירה רעה, ושנאת חינם, מעלינו , מעל כל בני בריתך, ומעל כל העולם.
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Music: “Happy Rock” by bensound.com