One of the worst-kept secrets of the right-wing Orthodox world is that texts are sometimes censored to make sure that they adhere with the worldview espoused within that culture. This includes removing the words of some of the greatest rabbinic figures of all time, such as Rashi and the Rashbam, as well as literally forging the statements of important rabbis. Is this practice limited to publishers in the yeshiva world, or do other streams of Judaism do it, as well? How do those who engage in such practices justify it, to themselves and to others? Is there a basis for it in Chazal? Join Scott Kahn for a fascinating discussion about these topics with Professor Marc Shapiro, who holds the Weinberg Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Scranton, and who authored the definitive study of this phenomenon, Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History.
Music: Happy Rock by