Kol Isha Disclaimer
In 2012- I recorded and produced my first album “Echad”.
in 2013 – I released “Adon Olam”
in 2015 – Misheberach
in 2016 Libi Bamizrach
in 2017 – “Kol Haolam” and I also became a MOM.
I used to travel to studios and work with producers, but once I had a little person dependent on me, it became more challenging.
So I decided to buy the equipment, software and learn how to do it myself.
With the help of my producers, mentors and collaborators I am so excited to celebrate with you the release of my first “self- produced” album.
Shout out to Jacqueline Novikov for the most awesome voice lessons!
The album is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and my site.
Thanks for celebrating this with me!